Apache Tomcat Servlet/JSP 容器

Apache Tomcat 5.5 Servlet/JSP 容器

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Apache Tomcat 5.5 Servlet/JSP 容器



Choosing a connector to use with Tomcat can be difficult. This page will list the connectors which are supported with this Tomcat release, and will hopefully help you make the right choice according to your needs.


HTTP connector 是Tomcat默认设置的 , 可直接使用. This connector features the lowest latency and best overall performance.

为支持集群, a HTTP load balancer with support for web sessions stickiness must be installed to direct the traffic to the Tomcat servers. Tomcat 支持 mod_proxy (在 Apache HTTP Server 2.x 版本中可用, Apache HTTP Server 2.2 默认自带) 作为负载均衡器. It should be noted that the performance of HTTP proxying is usually lower than the performance of AJP, so AJP clustering is often preferable.


When using a single server, the performance when using a native webserver in front of the Tomcat instance is most of the time significantly worse than a standalone Tomcat with its default HTTP connector, even if a large part of the web application is made of static files. If integration with the native webserver is needed for any reason, an AJP connector will provide faster performance than proxied HTTP. AJP clustering is the most efficient from the Tomcat perspective. It is otherwise functionally equivalent to HTTP clustering.


  • JK 1.2.x 及其所支持的服务器
  • Apache HTTP Server 2.x 上的 mod_proxy (Apache HTTP Server 2.2 默认自带),并启用AJP支持


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