* @class
* The class encapsulates a connection to the page's originating domain, allowing requests to be made
* either to a configured URL, or to a URL specified at request time.
* <p>
* Requests made by this class are asynchronous, and will return immediately, and no data from
* the server will be available. To process the returned data, us a callback in the request options
* object.
* @constructor
* @param config {Object} a configuration object.
*/ = function(config){
Ext.apply(this, config);
"beforerequest" : true,
"requestcomplete" : true,
"requestexception" : true
Ext.extend(, Ext.util.Observable, {
* @cfg url {String} (可选) The default URL to be used for requests to the server.
// holder
* @cfg extraParams {Object} (可选) An object containing properties which are used as
* extra parameters to each request made by this object.
// holder
* @cfg method {String} (可选) The default HTTP method to be used for requests.
// holder
* @cfg timeout {Number} (可选) The timeout in milliseconds to be used for requests. Defaults
* to 30000.
timeout : 30000,
* Sends an HTTP request to a remote server.
* @param {Object} options. An object which may contain the following properties:<ul>
* <li>url {String} (可选) The URL to which to send the request. Defaults to configured URL</li>
* <li>params {Object} (可选) An object containing properties which are used as extra parameters to the request</li>
* <li>method {String} (可选) The HTTP method to use for the request. Defaults to the configured method, or
* if no method was configured, "GET" if no parameters are being sent, and "POST" if parameters are being sent.</li>
* <li>callback {Function} (可选) The function to be called upon receipt of the HTTP response.
* The callback is passed the following parameters:<ul>
* <li>options {Object} The parameter to the request call.</li>
* <li>success {Boolean} True if the request succeeded.</li>
* <li>resopnse {Object} The XMLHttpRequest object containing the response data.</li>
* </ul></li>
* <li>scope {Object} (可选) The scope in which to execute the callback: The "this" object
* for the callback function. Defaults to the browser window.</li>
* </ul>
request : function(options){
if(this.fireEvent("beforerequest", this, options) !== false){
var p = options.params;
if(typeof p == "object"){
p = Ext.urlEncode(Ext.apply(options.params, this.extraParams));
var cb = {
success: this.handleResponse,
failure: this.handleFailure,
scope: this,
argument: {options: options},
timeout : this.timeout
var method = options.method||this.method||(p ? "POST" : "GET");
var url = options.url || this.url;
if(this.autoAbort !== false){
if(method == 'GET' && p){
url += (url.indexOf('?') != -1 ? '&' : '?') + p;
p = '';
this.transId = Ext.lib.Ajax.request(method, url, cb, p);
if(typeof options.callback == "function"){||window, options, null, null);
* Determine whether this object has a request outstanding.
* @return {Boolean} True if there is an outstanding request.
isLoading : function(){
return this.transId ? true : false;
* Aborts any outstanding request.
abort : function(){
// private
handleResponse : function(response){
this.transId = false;
var options = response.argument.options;
this.fireEvent("requestcomplete", this, response, options);
if(typeof options.callback == "function"){||window, options, true, response);
// private
handleFailure : function(response, e){
this.transId = false;
var options = response.argument.options;
this.fireEvent("requestexception", this, response, options, e);
if(typeof options.callback == "function"){||window, options, false, response);
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