import java.io.IOException;@b@import java.net.InetAddress;@b@import java.net.NetworkInterface;@b@import java.net.ServerSocket;@b@import java.util.Enumeration;@b@import java.util.regex.Pattern; @b@@b@public class AddressUtils {@b@ @b@ private static final String LOCALHOST_IP = "";@b@ private static final String EMPTY_IP = "";@b@ private static final Pattern IP_PATTERN = Pattern.compile("[0-9]{1,3}(\\.[0-9]{1,3}){3,}");@b@@b@ public static boolean isAvailablePort(int port) {@b@ ServerSocket ss = null;@b@ try {@b@ ss = new ServerSocket(port);@b@ ss.bind(null);@b@ return true;@b@ } catch (IOException e) {@b@ return false;@b@ } finally {@b@ if (ss != null) {@b@ try {@b@ ss.close();@b@ } catch (IOException e) {@b@ }@b@ }@b@ }@b@ }@b@@b@ private static boolean isValidHostAddress(InetAddress address) {@b@ if (address == null || address.isLoopbackAddress()) {@b@ return false;@b@ }@b@ String name = address.getHostAddress();@b@ return (name != null && !EMPTY_IP.equals(name) && !LOCALHOST_IP.equals(name) && IP_PATTERN.matcher(name)@b@ .matches());@b@ }@b@@b@ public static String getHostIp() {@b@ InetAddress address = getHostAddress();@b@ return address == null ? null : address.getHostAddress();@b@ }@b@@b@ public static String getHostName() {@b@ InetAddress address = getHostAddress();@b@ return address == null ? null : address.getHostName();@b@ }@b@@b@ public static InetAddress getHostAddress() {@b@ InetAddress localAddress = null;@b@ try {@b@ localAddress = InetAddress.getLocalHost();@b@ if (isValidHostAddress(localAddress)) {@b@ return localAddress;@b@ }@b@ } catch (Throwable e) {@b@ system.out.println("Failed to retriving local host ip address, try scan network card ip address. cause: "@b@ + e.getMessage());@b@ }@b@ try {@b@ Enumeration<NetworkInterface> interfaces = NetworkInterface.getNetworkInterfaces();@b@ if (interfaces != null) {@b@ while (interfaces.hasMoreElements()) {@b@ try {@b@ NetworkInterface network = interfaces.nextElement();@b@ Enumeration<InetAddress> addresses = network.getInetAddresses();@b@ if (addresses != null) {@b@ while (addresses.hasMoreElements()) {@b@ try {@b@ InetAddress address = addresses.nextElement();@b@ if (isValidHostAddress(address)) {@b@ return address;@b@ }@b@ } catch (Throwable e) {@b@ system.out.println("Failed to retriving network card ip address. cause:" + e.getMessage());@b@ }@b@ }@b@ }@b@ } catch (Throwable e) {@b@ system.out.println("Failed to retriving network card ip address. cause:" + e.getMessage());@b@ }@b@ }@b@ }@b@ } catch (Throwable e) {@b@ system.out.println("Failed to retriving network card ip address. cause:" + e.getMessage());@b@ }@b@ system.out.println("Could not get local host ip address, will use instead.");@b@ return localAddress;@b@ }@b@}