package it.geosolutions.imageio.utilities;@b@@b@import java.io.IOException;@b@@b@public class FastByteArrayWrapper@b@{@b@ protected byte[] buf;@b@ protected int count;@b@@b@ public FastByteArrayWrapper()@b@ {@b@ this(32);@b@ }@b@@b@ public FastByteArrayWrapper(byte[] buffer)@b@ {@b@ this(buffer, 0);@b@ }@b@@b@ public FastByteArrayWrapper(byte[] buffer, int count)@b@ {@b@ if ((count < 0) || ((buffer != null) && (count > buffer.length)))@b@ throw new IllegalArgumentException("The specified count is invalid. It can't be lower than zero or greater than the length of the provided buffer");@b@@b@ this.buf = buffer;@b@ this.count = count;@b@ }@b@@b@ public FastByteArrayWrapper(int size)@b@ {@b@ if (size < 0)@b@ throw new IllegalArgumentException("Negative initial size: " + size);@b@ this.buf = new byte[size];@b@ }@b@@b@ public void write(int b)@b@ {@b@ int newcount = this.count + 1;@b@ if (newcount > this.buf.length) {@b@ byte[] newbuf = new byte[Math.max(this.buf.length << 1, newcount)];@b@ System.arraycopy(this.buf, 0, newbuf, 0, this.count);@b@ this.buf = newbuf;@b@ }@b@ this.buf[this.count] = (byte)b;@b@ this.count = newcount;@b@ }@b@@b@ public void write(byte[] b, int off, int len)@b@ {@b@ if ((off < 0) || (off > b.length) || (len < 0) || (off + len > b.length) || (off + len < 0))@b@ {@b@ throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException(); }@b@ if (len == 0)@b@ return;@b@@b@ int newcount = this.count + len;@b@ if (newcount > this.buf.length) {@b@ byte[] newbuf = new byte[Math.max(this.buf.length << 1, newcount)];@b@ System.arraycopy(this.buf, 0, newbuf, 0, this.count);@b@ this.buf = newbuf;@b@ }@b@ System.arraycopy(b, off, this.buf, this.count, len);@b@ this.count = newcount;@b@ }@b@@b@ public void write(byte[] b)@b@ throws IOException@b@ {@b@ write(b, 0, b.length);@b@ }@b@@b@ public void reset()@b@ {@b@ this.count = 0;@b@ }@b@@b@ public byte[] getByteArray()@b@ {@b@ return this.buf;@b@ }@b@@b@ public int size()@b@ {@b@ return this.count;@b@ }@b@@b@ public String toString()@b@ {@b@ return new String(this.buf, 0, this.count);@b@ }@b@}