package org.apache.bsf.util;@b@@b@import java.beans.Introspector;@b@import java.io.BufferedReader;@b@import java.io.File;@b@import java.io.FileNotFoundException;@b@import java.io.IOException;@b@import java.io.InputStream;@b@import java.io.InputStreamReader;@b@import java.io.Reader;@b@import java.io.StringReader;@b@import java.net.MalformedURLException;@b@import java.net.URL;@b@import java.util.StringTokenizer;@b@import java.util.Vector;@b@@b@public class StringUtils@b@{@b@ public static final String lineSeparator = System.getProperty("line.separator", "\n");@b@ public static final String lineSeparatorStr = cleanString(lineSeparator);@b@@b@ public static String classNameToVarName(String className)@b@ {@b@ int arrayDim = 0;@b@@b@ while (className.endsWith("[]"))@b@ {@b@ className = className.substring(0, className.length() - 2);@b@ ++arrayDim;@b@ }@b@@b@ int iLastPeriod = className.lastIndexOf(46);@b@ String varName = Introspector.decapitalize((iLastPeriod != -1) ? className.substring(iLastPeriod + 1) : className);@b@@b@ if (arrayDim > 0)@b@ {@b@ varName = varName + "_" + arrayDim + "D";@b@ }@b@@b@ return getValidIdentifierName(varName);@b@ }@b@@b@ public static String cleanString(String str)@b@ {@b@ if (str == null) {@b@ return null;@b@ }@b@@b@ char[] charArray = str.toCharArray();@b@ StringBuffer sBuf = new StringBuffer();@b@@b@ for (int i = 0; i < charArray.length; ++i)@b@ switch (charArray[i])@b@ {@b@ case '"':@b@ sBuf.append("\\\"");@b@ break;@b@ case '\\':@b@ sBuf.append("\\\\");@b@ break;@b@ case '\n':@b@ sBuf.append("\\n");@b@ break;@b@ case '\r':@b@ sBuf.append("\\r");@b@ break;@b@ default:@b@ sBuf.append(charArray[i]);@b@ }@b@@b@@b@ return sBuf.toString();@b@ }@b@@b@ public static String getChars(int numberOfChars, char theChar)@b@ {@b@ if (numberOfChars <= 0)@b@ return "";@b@@b@ StringBuffer sRet = new StringBuffer(numberOfChars);@b@@b@ for (int i = 0; i < numberOfChars; ++i)@b@ sRet.append(theChar);@b@@b@ return sRet.toString();@b@ }@b@@b@ public static String getClassName(Class targetClass)@b@ {@b@ String className = targetClass.getName();@b@@b@ return ((targetClass.isArray()) ? parseDescriptor(className) : className);@b@ }@b@@b@ public static String getCommaListFromVector(Vector sourceVector) {@b@ StringBuffer strBuf = new StringBuffer();@b@@b@ for (int i = 0; i < sourceVector.size(); ++i)@b@ {@b@ strBuf.append(((i > 0) ? ", " : "") + sourceVector.elementAt(i));@b@ }@b@@b@ return strBuf.toString();@b@ }@b@@b@ public static Reader getContentAsReader(URL url)@b@ throws SecurityException, IllegalArgumentException, IOException@b@ {@b@ if (url == null)@b@ {@b@ throw new IllegalArgumentException("URL cannot be null.");@b@ }@b@@b@ try@b@ {@b@ Object content = url.getContent();@b@@b@ if (content == null)@b@ {@b@ throw new IllegalArgumentException("No content.");@b@ }@b@@b@ if (content instanceof InputStream)@b@ {@b@ Reader in = new InputStreamReader((InputStream)content);@b@@b@ if (in.ready())@b@ {@b@ return in;@b@ }@b@@b@ throw new FileNotFoundException();@b@ }@b@@b@ throw new IllegalArgumentException("This URL points to a: " + getClassName(content.getClass()));@b@ }@b@ catch (SecurityException e)@b@ {@b@ throw new SecurityException("Your JVM's SecurityManager has disallowed this.");@b@ }@b@ catch (FileNotFoundException e)@b@ {@b@ throw new FileNotFoundException("This file was not found: " + url);@b@ }@b@ }@b@@b@ public static String getContentAsString(URL url)@b@ throws SecurityException, IllegalArgumentException, IOException@b@ {@b@ return IOUtils.getStringFromReader(getContentAsReader(url));@b@ }@b@@b@ public static String getSafeString(String scriptStr)@b@ {@b@ BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader(new StringReader(scriptStr));@b@ StringBuffer strBuf = new StringBuffer();@b@@b@ String previousLine = null;@b@ try@b@ {@b@ while ((tempLine = in.readLine()) != null)@b@ {@b@ String tempLine;@b@ if (previousLine != null)@b@ {@b@ strBuf.append("\"" + previousLine + lineSeparatorStr + "\" +" + lineSeparator);@b@ }@b@@b@ previousLine = cleanString(tempLine);@b@ }@b@ }@b@ catch (IOException e)@b@ {@b@ }@b@@b@ strBuf.append("\"" + ((previousLine != null) ? previousLine : "") + "\"" + lineSeparator);@b@@b@ return strBuf.toString();@b@ }@b@@b@ public static URL getURL(URL contextURL, String spec)@b@ throws MalformedURLException@b@ {@b@ return getURL(contextURL, spec, 1);@b@ }@b@@b@ private static URL getURL(URL contextURL, String spec, int recursiveDepth)@b@ throws MalformedURLException@b@ {@b@ URL url = null;@b@ try@b@ {@b@ url = new URL(contextURL, spec);@b@ try@b@ {@b@ url.openStream();@b@ }@b@ catch (IOException ioe1)@b@ {@b@ throw new MalformedURLException("This file was not found: " + url);@b@ }@b@ }@b@ catch (MalformedURLException e1)@b@ {@b@ url = new URL("file", "", spec);@b@ try@b@ {@b@ url.openStream();@b@ }@b@ catch (IOException ioe2)@b@ {@b@ if (contextURL != null)@b@ {@b@ String contextFileName = contextURL.getFile();@b@ String parentName = new File(contextFileName).getParent();@b@@b@ if ((parentName != null) && (recursiveDepth < 3))@b@ {@b@ return getURL(new URL("file", "", parentName + '/'), spec, recursiveDepth + 1);@b@ }@b@@b@ }@b@@b@ throw new MalformedURLException("This file was not found: " + url);@b@ }@b@ }@b@@b@ return url;@b@ }@b@@b@ public static String getValidIdentifierName(String identifierName) {@b@ if ((identifierName == null) || (identifierName.length() == 0))@b@ return null;@b@@b@ StringBuffer strBuf = new StringBuffer();@b@@b@ char[] chars = identifierName.toCharArray();@b@@b@ strBuf.append((Character.isJavaIdentifierStart(chars[0])) ? chars[0] : '_');@b@@b@ for (int i = 1; i < chars.length; ++i)@b@ {@b@ strBuf.append((Character.isJavaIdentifierPart(chars[i])) ? chars[i] : '_');@b@ }@b@@b@ return strBuf.toString();@b@ }@b@@b@ public static boolean isValidIdentifierName(String identifierName) {@b@ if ((identifierName == null) || (identifierName.length() == 0))@b@ return false;@b@@b@ char[] chars = identifierName.toCharArray();@b@@b@ if (!(Character.isJavaIdentifierStart(chars[0])))@b@ return false;@b@@b@ for (int i = 1; i < chars.length; ++i)@b@ if (!(Character.isJavaIdentifierPart(chars[i])))@b@ return false;@b@@b@ return true;@b@ }@b@@b@ public static boolean isValidPackageName(String packageName) {@b@ if (packageName == null)@b@ return false;@b@ if (packageName.length() == 0)@b@ {@b@ return true;@b@ }@b@ StringTokenizer strTok = new StringTokenizer(packageName, ".", true);@b@@b@ if (strTok.countTokens() % 2 != 1) {@b@ return false;@b@ }@b@@b@ if (!(isValidIdentifierName(strTok.nextToken())))@b@ return false;@b@ do@b@ {@b@ if (!(strTok.hasMoreTokens()))@b@ break label93;@b@@b@ if (!(strTok.nextToken().equals("."))) {@b@ return false;@b@ }@b@@b@ if (!(strTok.hasMoreTokens())) break label91;@b@ }@b@ while (isValidIdentifierName(strTok.nextToken()));@b@ return false;@b@@b@ label91: return false;@b@@b@ label93: return true;@b@ }@b@@b@ private static String parseDescriptor(String className)@b@ {@b@ char[] classNameChars = className.toCharArray();@b@ int arrayDim = 0;@b@ int i = 0;@b@@b@ while (classNameChars[i] == '[')@b@ {@b@ ++arrayDim;@b@ ++i;@b@ }@b@@b@ StringBuffer classNameBuf = new StringBuffer();@b@@b@ switch (classNameChars[(i++)]) { case 'B':@b@ classNameBuf.append("byte");@b@ break;@b@ case 'C':@b@ classNameBuf.append("char");@b@ break;@b@ case 'D':@b@ classNameBuf.append("double");@b@ break;@b@ case 'F':@b@ classNameBuf.append("float");@b@ break;@b@ case 'I':@b@ classNameBuf.append("int");@b@ break;@b@ case 'J':@b@ classNameBuf.append("long");@b@ break;@b@ case 'S':@b@ classNameBuf.append("short");@b@ break;@b@ case 'Z':@b@ classNameBuf.append("boolean");@b@ break;@b@ case 'L':@b@ classNameBuf.append(classNameChars, i, classNameChars.length - i - 1);@b@ case 'E':@b@ case 'G':@b@ case 'H':@b@ case 'K':@b@ case 'M':@b@ case 'N':@b@ case 'O':@b@ case 'P':@b@ case 'Q':@b@ case 'R':@b@ case 'T':@b@ case 'U':@b@ case 'V':@b@ case 'W':@b@ case 'X':@b@ case 'Y': } for (i = 0; i < arrayDim; ++i)@b@ classNameBuf.append("[]");@b@@b@ return classNameBuf.toString();@b@ }@b@}
package org.apache.bsf.util;@b@@b@import java.io.BufferedReader;@b@import java.io.IOException;@b@import java.io.PrintWriter;@b@import java.io.Reader;@b@import java.io.StringWriter;@b@@b@public class IOUtils@b@{@b@ static boolean debug = false;@b@@b@ public static String getStringFromReader(Reader reader)@b@ throws IOException@b@ {@b@ BufferedReader bufIn = new BufferedReader(reader);@b@ StringWriter swOut = new StringWriter();@b@ PrintWriter pwOut = new PrintWriter(swOut);@b@@b@ while ((tempLine = bufIn.readLine()) != null) {@b@ String tempLine;@b@ pwOut.println(tempLine);@b@ }@b@@b@ pwOut.flush();@b@@b@ return swOut.toString();@b@ }@b@}