package org.aspectj.util;@b@@b@import java.io.ByteArrayOutputStream;@b@import java.io.File;@b@import java.io.FileInputStream;@b@import java.io.IOException;@b@import java.io.InputStream;@b@import java.net.URL;@b@import java.net.URLClassLoader;@b@import java.util.ArrayList;@b@import java.util.Arrays;@b@import java.util.Collections;@b@import java.util.Iterator;@b@import java.util.List;@b@@b@public class UtilClassLoader extends URLClassLoader@b@{@b@ List dirs;@b@ private URL[] urlsForDebugString;@b@@b@ public UtilClassLoader(URL[] urls, File[] dirs)@b@ {@b@ super(urls);@b@ LangUtil.throwIaxIfNotAssignable(dirs, File.class, "dirs");@b@ this.urlsForDebugString = urls;@b@ ArrayList dcopy = new ArrayList();@b@@b@ if (!(LangUtil.isEmpty(dirs)))@b@ dcopy.addAll(Arrays.asList(dirs));@b@@b@ this.dirs = Collections.unmodifiableList(dcopy);@b@ }@b@@b@ public URL getResource(String name)@b@ {@b@ return ClassLoader.getSystemResource(name);@b@ }@b@@b@ public InputStream getResourceAsStream(String name) {@b@ return ClassLoader.getSystemResourceAsStream(name);@b@ }@b@@b@ public synchronized Class loadClass(String name, boolean resolve)@b@ throws ClassNotFoundException@b@ {@b@ ClassNotFoundException thrown = null;@b@ Class result = findLoadedClass(name);@b@ if (null != result)@b@ resolve = false;@b@ else@b@ try {@b@ result = findSystemClass(name);@b@ } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {@b@ thrown = e;@b@ }@b@@b@ if (null == result) {@b@ try {@b@ result = loadClass(name, resolve);@b@ } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {@b@ thrown = e;@b@ }@b@ if (null != result)@b@ return result;@b@ }@b@@b@ if (null == result) {@b@ byte[] data = readClass(name);@b@ if (data != null)@b@ result = defineClass(name, data, 0, data.length);@b@@b@ }@b@@b@ if (null == result)@b@ throw new ClassNotFoundException(name);@b@@b@ if (resolve)@b@ resolveClass(result);@b@@b@ return result;@b@ }@b@@b@ private byte[] readClass(String className) throws ClassNotFoundException@b@ {@b@ String fileName = className.replace('.', '/') + ".class";@b@ for (Iterator iter = this.dirs.iterator(); iter.hasNext(); ) {@b@ File file = new File((File)iter.next(), fileName);@b@ if (file.canRead())@b@ return getClassData(file);@b@ }@b@@b@ return null; }@b@@b@ private byte[] getClassData(File f) {@b@ FileInputStream stream;@b@ try {@b@ stream = new FileInputStream(f);@b@ ByteArrayOutputStream out = new ByteArrayOutputStream(1000);@b@ byte[] b = new byte[4096];@b@@b@ while ((n = stream.read(b)) != -1) {@b@ int n;@b@ out.write(b, 0, n);@b@ }@b@ stream.close();@b@ out.close();@b@ return out.toByteArray();@b@ } catch (IOException e) {@b@ }@b@ return null;@b@ }@b@@b@ public String toString()@b@ {@b@ return "UtilClassLoader(urls=" + Arrays.asList(this.urlsForDebugString) + ", dirs=" + this.dirs + ")";@b@ }@b@}
package org.aspectj.util;@b@@b@import java.io.ByteArrayOutputStream;@b@import java.io.File;@b@import java.io.IOException;@b@import java.io.PrintWriter;@b@import java.io.StringWriter;@b@import java.lang.reflect.Array;@b@import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException;@b@import java.security.PrivilegedActionException;@b@import java.sql.SQLException;@b@import java.util.AbstractCollection;@b@import java.util.ArrayList;@b@import java.util.Arrays;@b@import java.util.BitSet;@b@import java.util.Collection;@b@import java.util.Collections;@b@import java.util.LinkedList;@b@import java.util.List;@b@import java.util.StringTokenizer;@b@@b@public class LangUtil@b@{@b@ public static final String EOL;@b@ private static double vmVersion;@b@@b@ public static boolean is13VMOrGreater()@b@ {@b@ return (1.3D <= vmVersion);@b@ }@b@@b@ public static boolean is14VMOrGreater() {@b@ return (1.4D <= vmVersion);@b@ }@b@@b@ public static boolean is15VMOrGreater() {@b@ return (1.5D <= vmVersion);@b@ }@b@@b@ public static boolean is16VMOrGreater() {@b@ return (1.6D <= vmVersion);@b@ }@b@@b@ public static boolean is17VMOrGreater() {@b@ return (1.7D <= vmVersion);@b@ }@b@@b@ public static final void throwIaxIfNull(Object o, String name)@b@ {@b@ if (null == o) {@b@ String message = "null " + ((null == name) ? "input" : name);@b@ throw new IllegalArgumentException(message);@b@ }@b@ }@b@@b@ public static final void throwIaxIfNotAssignable(Object[] ra, Class c, String name)@b@ {@b@ throwIaxIfNull(ra, name);@b@ String label = (null == name) ? "input" : name;@b@ for (int i = 0; i < ra.length; ++i) {@b@ if (null == ra[i]) {@b@ String m = " null " + label + "[" + i + "]";@b@ throw new IllegalArgumentException(m); }@b@ if (null != c) {@b@ Class actualClass = ra[i].getClass();@b@ if (!(c.isAssignableFrom(actualClass))) {@b@ String message = label + " not assignable to " + c.getName();@b@ throw new IllegalArgumentException(message);@b@ }@b@ }@b@ }@b@ }@b@@b@ public static final void throwIaxIfNotAssignable(Object o, Class c, String name)@b@ {@b@ throwIaxIfNull(o, name);@b@ if (null != c) {@b@ Class actualClass = o.getClass();@b@ if (!(c.isAssignableFrom(actualClass))) {@b@ String message = name + " not assignable to " + c.getName();@b@ throw new IllegalArgumentException(message);@b@ }@b@ }@b@ }@b@@b@ public static final void throwIaxIfFalse(boolean test, String message)@b@ {@b@ if (!(test))@b@ throw new IllegalArgumentException(message);@b@ }@b@@b@ public static boolean isEmpty(String s)@b@ {@b@ return ((null == s) || (0 == s.length()));@b@ }@b@@b@ public static boolean isEmpty(Object[] ra)@b@ {@b@ return ((null == ra) || (0 == ra.length));@b@ }@b@@b@ public static boolean isEmpty(Collection collection)@b@ {@b@ return ((null == collection) || (0 == collection.size()));@b@ }@b@@b@ public static String[] split(String text)@b@ {@b@ return ((String[])(String[])strings(text).toArray(new String[0]));@b@ }@b@@b@ public static List commaSplit(String input)@b@ {@b@ return anySplit(input, ",");@b@ }@b@@b@ public static String[] splitClasspath(String classpath)@b@ {@b@ if (isEmpty(classpath))@b@ return new String[0];@b@@b@ StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(classpath, File.pathSeparator);@b@ ArrayList result = new ArrayList(st.countTokens());@b@ while (st.hasMoreTokens()) {@b@ String entry = st.nextToken();@b@ if (!(isEmpty(entry)))@b@ result.add(entry);@b@ }@b@@b@ return ((String[])(String[])result.toArray(new String[0]));@b@ }@b@@b@ public static boolean getBoolean(String propertyName, boolean defaultValue)@b@ {@b@ if (null != propertyName)@b@ try {@b@ String value = System.getProperty(propertyName);@b@ if (null != value)@b@ return Boolean.valueOf(value).booleanValue();@b@ }@b@ catch (Throwable t)@b@ {@b@ }@b@@b@ return defaultValue;@b@ }@b@@b@ public static List anySplit(String input, String delim)@b@ {@b@ if (null == input)@b@ return Collections.EMPTY_LIST;@b@@b@ ArrayList result = new ArrayList();@b@@b@ if ((isEmpty(delim)) || (-1 == input.indexOf(delim))) {@b@ result.add(input.trim());@b@ } else {@b@ StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(input, delim);@b@ while (st.hasMoreTokens())@b@ result.add(st.nextToken().trim());@b@ }@b@@b@ return result;@b@ }@b@@b@ public static List strings(String text)@b@ {@b@ if (isEmpty(text))@b@ return Collections.EMPTY_LIST;@b@@b@ List strings = new ArrayList();@b@ StringTokenizer tok = new StringTokenizer(text);@b@ while (tok.hasMoreTokens())@b@ strings.add(tok.nextToken());@b@@b@ return strings;@b@ }@b@@b@ public static List safeList(List list)@b@ {@b@ return ((null == list) ? Collections.EMPTY_LIST : Collections.unmodifiableList(list));@b@ }@b@@b@ public static String[][] copyStrings(String[][] in)@b@ {@b@ String[][] out = new String[in.length][];@b@ for (int i = 0; i < out.length; ++i) {@b@ out[i] = new String[in[i].length];@b@ System.arraycopy(in[i], 0, out[i], 0, out[i].length);@b@ }@b@ return out;@b@ }@b@@b@ public static String[] extractOptions(String[] args, String[][] options)@b@ {@b@ if ((isEmpty(args)) || (isEmpty(options)))@b@ return args;@b@@b@ BitSet foundSet = new BitSet();@b@ String[] result = new String[args.length];@b@ int resultIndex = 0;@b@ for (int j = 0; j < args.length; ++j) {@b@ boolean found = false;@b@ for (int i = 0; (!(found)) && (i < options.length); ++i) {@b@ int k;@b@ String[] option = options[i];@b@ throwIaxIfFalse(!(isEmpty(option)), "options");@b@ String sought = option[0];@b@ found = sought.equals(args[j]);@b@ if (found) {@b@ foundSet.set(i);@b@ int doMore = option.length - 1;@b@ if (0 < doMore) {@b@ int MAX = j + doMore;@b@ if (MAX >= args.length) {@b@ String s = "expecting " + doMore + " args after ";@b@ throw new IllegalArgumentException(s + args[j]);@b@ }@b@ for (k = 1; k < option.length; ++k)@b@ option[k] = args[(++j)];@b@ }@b@ }@b@ }@b@@b@ if (!(found)) {@b@ result[(resultIndex++)] = args[j];@b@ }@b@@b@ }@b@@b@ for (int i = 0; i < options.length; ++i) {@b@ if (!(foundSet.get(i)))@b@ options[i][0] = null;@b@@b@ }@b@@b@ if (resultIndex < args.length) {@b@ String[] temp = new String[resultIndex];@b@ System.arraycopy(result, 0, temp, 0, resultIndex);@b@ args = temp;@b@ }@b@@b@ return args;@b@ }@b@@b@ public static Object[] safeCopy(Object[] source, Object[] sink)@b@ {@b@ int resultSize;@b@ Class sinkType = (null == sink) ? Object.class : sink.getClass().getComponentType();@b@ int sourceLength = (null == source) ? 0 : source.length;@b@ int sinkLength = (null == sink) ? 0 : sink.length;@b@@b@ ArrayList result = null;@b@ if (0 == sourceLength) {@b@ resultSize = 0;@b@ } else {@b@ result = new ArrayList(sourceLength);@b@ for (int i = 0; i < sourceLength; ++i)@b@ if ((null != source[i]) && (sinkType.isAssignableFrom(source[i].getClass())))@b@ result.add(source[i]);@b@@b@@b@ resultSize = result.size();@b@ }@b@ if (resultSize != sinkLength)@b@ sink = (Object[])(Object[])Array.newInstance(sinkType, result.size());@b@@b@ if (0 < resultSize)@b@ sink = result.toArray(sink);@b@@b@ return sink;@b@ }@b@@b@ public static String unqualifiedClassName(Class c)@b@ {@b@ if (null == c)@b@ return "null";@b@@b@ String name = c.getName();@b@ int loc = name.lastIndexOf(".");@b@ if (-1 != loc)@b@ name = name.substring(1 + loc);@b@@b@ return name;@b@ }@b@@b@ public static String unqualifiedClassName(Object o)@b@ {@b@ return unqualifiedClassName((null == o) ? null : o.getClass());@b@ }@b@@b@ public static String replace(String in, String sought, String replace)@b@ {@b@ if ((isEmpty(in)) || (isEmpty(sought)))@b@ return in;@b@@b@ StringBuffer result = new StringBuffer();@b@ int len = sought.length();@b@ int start = 0;@b@@b@ while (-1 != (loc = in.indexOf(sought, start))) {@b@ int loc;@b@ result.append(in.substring(start, loc));@b@ if (!(isEmpty(replace)))@b@ result.append(replace);@b@@b@ start = loc + len;@b@ }@b@ result.append(in.substring(start));@b@ return result.toString();@b@ }@b@@b@ public static String toSizedString(long i, int width)@b@ {@b@ String result = "" + i;@b@ int size = result.length();@b@ if (width > size) {@b@ String pad = " ";@b@ int padLength = " ".length();@b@ if (width > padLength)@b@ width = padLength;@b@@b@ int topad = width - size;@b@ result = " ".substring(0, topad) + result;@b@ }@b@ return result;@b@ }@b@@b@ public static String renderExceptionShort(Throwable e)@b@ {@b@ if (null == e)@b@ return "(Throwable) null";@b@@b@ return "(" + unqualifiedClassName(e) + ") " + e.getMessage();@b@ }@b@@b@ public static String renderException(Throwable t)@b@ {@b@ return renderException(t, true);@b@ }@b@@b@ public static String renderException(Throwable t, boolean elide)@b@ {@b@ if (null == t)@b@ return "null throwable";@b@@b@ t = unwrapException(t);@b@ StringBuffer stack = stackToString(t, false);@b@ if (elide)@b@ elideEndingLines(StringChecker.TEST_PACKAGES, stack, 100);@b@@b@ return stack.toString();@b@ }@b@@b@ static void elideEndingLines(StringChecker checker, StringBuffer stack, int maxLines)@b@ {@b@ if ((null == checker) || (null == stack) || (0 == stack.length()))@b@ return;@b@@b@ LinkedList lines = new LinkedList();@b@ StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(stack.toString(), "\n\r");@b@ while ((st.hasMoreTokens()) && (0 < --maxLines))@b@ lines.add(st.nextToken());@b@@b@ st = null;@b@@b@ int elided = 0;@b@ while (!(lines.isEmpty())) {@b@ String line = (String)lines.getLast();@b@ if (!(checker.acceptString(line)))@b@ break;@b@@b@ ++elided;@b@ lines.removeLast();@b@ }@b@@b@ if ((elided > 0) || (maxLines < 1)) {@b@ int EOL_LEN = EOL.length();@b@ int totalLength = 0;@b@ while (!(lines.isEmpty())) {@b@ totalLength += EOL_LEN + ((String)lines.getFirst()).length();@b@ lines.removeFirst();@b@ }@b@ if (stack.length() > totalLength) {@b@ stack.setLength(totalLength);@b@ if (elided > 0)@b@ stack.append(" (... " + elided + " lines...)");@b@ }@b@ }@b@ }@b@@b@ public static StringBuffer stackToString(Throwable throwable, boolean skipMessage)@b@ {@b@ if (null == throwable)@b@ return new StringBuffer();@b@@b@ StringWriter buf = new StringWriter();@b@ PrintWriter writer = new PrintWriter(buf);@b@ if (!(skipMessage))@b@ writer.println(throwable.getMessage());@b@@b@ throwable.printStackTrace(writer);@b@ try {@b@ buf.close();@b@ } catch (IOException ioe) {@b@ }@b@ return buf.getBuffer();@b@ }@b@@b@ public static Throwable unwrapException(Throwable t)@b@ {@b@ Throwable current = t;@b@ Throwable next = null;@b@ while (current != null)@b@ {@b@ if (current instanceof InvocationTargetException)@b@ next = ((InvocationTargetException)current).getTargetException();@b@ else if (current instanceof ClassNotFoundException)@b@ next = ((ClassNotFoundException)current).getException();@b@ else if (current instanceof ExceptionInInitializerError)@b@ next = ((ExceptionInInitializerError)current).getException();@b@ else if (current instanceof PrivilegedActionException)@b@ next = ((PrivilegedActionException)current).getException();@b@ else if (current instanceof SQLException) {@b@ next = ((SQLException)current).getNextException();@b@ }@b@@b@ if (null == next)@b@ break;@b@@b@ current = next;@b@ next = null;@b@ }@b@@b@ return current;@b@ }@b@@b@ public static List arrayAsList(Object[] array)@b@ {@b@ if ((null == array) || (1 > array.length))@b@ return Collections.EMPTY_LIST;@b@@b@ ArrayList list = new ArrayList();@b@ list.addAll(Arrays.asList(array));@b@ return list;@b@ }@b@@b@ public static String makeClasspath(String bootclasspath, String classpath, String classesDir, String outputJar)@b@ {@b@ StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();@b@ addIfNotEmpty(bootclasspath, sb, File.pathSeparator);@b@ addIfNotEmpty(classpath, sb, File.pathSeparator);@b@ if (!(addIfNotEmpty(classesDir, sb, File.pathSeparator)))@b@ addIfNotEmpty(outputJar, sb, File.pathSeparator);@b@@b@ return sb.toString();@b@ }@b@@b@ private static boolean addIfNotEmpty(String input, StringBuffer sink, String delimiter)@b@ {@b@ if ((isEmpty(input)) || (null == sink))@b@ return false;@b@@b@ sink.append(input);@b@ if (!(isEmpty(delimiter)))@b@ sink.append(delimiter);@b@@b@ return true;@b@ }@b@@b@ public static ProcessController makeProcess(ProcessController controller, String classpath, String mainClass, String[] args)@b@ {@b@ File java = getJavaExecutable();@b@ ArrayList cmd = new ArrayList();@b@ cmd.add(java.getAbsolutePath());@b@ cmd.add("-classpath");@b@ cmd.add(classpath);@b@ cmd.add(mainClass);@b@ if (!(isEmpty(args)))@b@ cmd.addAll(Arrays.asList(args));@b@@b@ String[] command = (String[])(String[])cmd.toArray(new String[0]);@b@ if (null == controller)@b@ controller = new ProcessController();@b@@b@ controller.init(command, mainClass);@b@ return controller;@b@ }@b@@b@ public static File getJavaExecutable()@b@ {@b@ File binDir;@b@ String[] execs;@b@ int i;@b@ String javaHome = null;@b@ File result = null;@b@ try@b@ {@b@ javaHome = System.getProperty("java.home");@b@ }@b@ catch (Throwable t) {@b@ }@b@ if (null != javaHome) {@b@ binDir = new File(javaHome, "bin");@b@ if ((binDir.isDirectory()) && (binDir.canRead())) {@b@ execs = new String[] { "java", "java.exe" };@b@ for (i = 0; i < execs.length; ++i) {@b@ result = new File(binDir, execs[i]);@b@ if (result.canRead())@b@ break;@b@ }@b@ }@b@ }@b@@b@ return result;@b@ }@b@@b@ public static boolean sleepUntil(long time)@b@ {@b@ if (time == 0L)@b@ return true;@b@ if (time < 0L) {@b@ throw new IllegalArgumentException("negative: " + time);@b@ }@b@@b@ long curTime = System.currentTimeMillis();@b@ for (int i = 0; (i < 100) && (curTime < time); ++i) {@b@ try {@b@ Thread.sleep(time - curTime);@b@ }@b@ catch (InterruptedException e) {@b@ }@b@ curTime = System.currentTimeMillis();@b@ }@b@ return (curTime >= time);@b@ }@b@@b@ static@b@ {@b@ StringWriter buf = new StringWriter();@b@ PrintWriter writer = new PrintWriter(buf);@b@ writer.println("");@b@ String eol = "\n";@b@ try {@b@ buf.close();@b@ StringBuffer sb = buf.getBuffer();@b@ if (sb != null)@b@ eol = buf.toString();@b@ }@b@ catch (Throwable t) {@b@ }@b@ EOL = eol;@b@ try@b@ {@b@ String vm = System.getProperty("java.version");@b@ if (vm == null)@b@ vm = System.getProperty("java.runtime.version");@b@@b@ if (vm == null)@b@ vm = System.getProperty("java.vm.version");@b@@b@ if (vm == null) {@b@ new RuntimeException("System properties appear damaged, cannot find: java.version/java.runtime.version/java.vm.version").printStackTrace(System.err);@b@@b@ vmVersion = 1.5D;@b@ } else {@b@ try {@b@ String versionString = vm.substring(0, 3);@b@ Double temp = new Double(Double.parseDouble(versionString));@b@ vmVersion = temp.floatValue();@b@ } catch (Exception e) {@b@ vmVersion = 1.4D;@b@ }@b@ }@b@ } catch (Throwable t) {@b@ new RuntimeException("System properties appear damaged, cannot find: java.version/java.runtime.version/java.vm.version", t).printStackTrace(System.err);@b@@b@ vmVersion = 1.5D;@b@ }@b@ }@b@@b@ public static class ProcessController@b@ {@b@ private String[] command;@b@ private String[] envp;@b@ private String label;@b@ private boolean init;@b@ private boolean started;@b@ private boolean completed;@b@ private boolean userStopped;@b@ private Process process;@b@ private FileUtil.Pipe errStream;@b@ private FileUtil.Pipe outStream;@b@ private FileUtil.Pipe inStream;@b@ private ByteArrayOutputStream errSnoop;@b@ private ByteArrayOutputStream outSnoop;@b@ private int result;@b@ private Thrown thrown;@b@@b@ public final void reinit()@b@ {@b@ if (!(this.init))@b@ throw new IllegalStateException("must init(..) before reinit()");@b@@b@ if ((this.started) && (!(this.completed))) {@b@ throw new IllegalStateException("not completed - do stop()");@b@ }@b@@b@ this.started = false;@b@ this.completed = false;@b@ this.result = -2147483648;@b@ this.thrown = null;@b@ this.process = null;@b@ this.errStream = null;@b@ this.outStream = null;@b@ this.inStream = null;@b@ }@b@@b@ public final void init(String classpath, String mainClass, String[] args) {@b@ init(LangUtil.getJavaExecutable(), classpath, mainClass, args);@b@ }@b@@b@ public final void init(File java, String classpath, String mainClass, String[] args) {@b@ LangUtil.throwIaxIfNull(java, "java");@b@ LangUtil.throwIaxIfNull(mainClass, "mainClass");@b@ LangUtil.throwIaxIfNull(args, "args");@b@ ArrayList cmd = new ArrayList();@b@ cmd.add(java.getAbsolutePath());@b@ cmd.add("-classpath");@b@ cmd.add(classpath);@b@ cmd.add(mainClass);@b@ if (!(LangUtil.isEmpty(args)))@b@ cmd.addAll(Arrays.asList(args));@b@@b@ init((String[])(String[])cmd.toArray(new String[0]), mainClass);@b@ }@b@@b@ public final void init(String[] command, String label) {@b@ this.command = ((String[])(String[])LangUtil.safeCopy(command, new String[0]));@b@ if (1 > this.command.length)@b@ throw new IllegalArgumentException("empty command");@b@@b@ this.label = ((LangUtil.isEmpty(label)) ? command[0] : label);@b@ this.init = true;@b@ reinit();@b@ }@b@@b@ public final void setEnvp(String[] envp) {@b@ this.envp = ((String[])(String[])LangUtil.safeCopy(envp, new String[0]));@b@ if (1 > this.envp.length)@b@ throw new IllegalArgumentException("empty envp");@b@ }@b@@b@ public final void setErrSnoop(ByteArrayOutputStream snoop)@b@ {@b@ this.errSnoop = snoop;@b@ if (null != this.errStream)@b@ this.errStream.setSnoop(this.errSnoop);@b@ }@b@@b@ public final void setOutSnoop(ByteArrayOutputStream snoop)@b@ {@b@ this.outSnoop = snoop;@b@ if (null != this.outStream)@b@ this.outStream.setSnoop(this.outSnoop);@b@ }@b@@b@ public final Thread start()@b@ {@b@ if (!(this.init))@b@ throw new IllegalStateException("not initialized");@b@@b@ synchronized (this) {@b@ if (this.started)@b@ throw new IllegalStateException("already started");@b@@b@ this.started = true;@b@ }@b@ try {@b@ this.process = Runtime.getRuntime().exec(this.command);@b@ } catch (IOException e) {@b@ stop(e, -2147483648);@b@ return null;@b@ }@b@ this.errStream = new FileUtil.Pipe(this.process.getErrorStream(), System.err);@b@ if (null != this.errSnoop)@b@ this.errStream.setSnoop(this.errSnoop);@b@@b@ this.outStream = new FileUtil.Pipe(this.process.getInputStream(), System.out);@b@ if (null != this.outSnoop)@b@ this.outStream.setSnoop(this.outSnoop);@b@@b@ this.inStream = new FileUtil.Pipe(System.in, this.process.getOutputStream());@b@@b@ Object processRunner = new Runnable(this) { private final LangUtil.ProcessController this$0;@b@@b@ public void run() { Throwable thrown = null;@b@ int result = -2147483648;@b@ try@b@ {@b@ new Thread(LangUtil.ProcessController.access$000(this.this$0)).start();@b@ new Thread(LangUtil.ProcessController.access$100(this.this$0)).start();@b@ new Thread(LangUtil.ProcessController.access$200(this.this$0)).start();@b@ LangUtil.ProcessController.access$300(this.this$0).waitFor();@b@ result = LangUtil.ProcessController.access$300(this.this$0).exitValue();@b@ } catch (Throwable e) {@b@ thrown = e;@b@ } finally {@b@ LangUtil.ProcessController.access$400(this.this$0, thrown, result);@b@ }@b@ }@b@@b@ };@b@ Thread result = new Thread((Runnable)processRunner, this.label);@b@ result.start();@b@ return ((Thread)result);@b@ }@b@@b@ public final synchronized void stop()@b@ {@b@ if (this.completed)@b@ return;@b@@b@ this.userStopped = true;@b@ stop(null, -2147483648);@b@ }@b@@b@ public final String[] getCommand() {@b@ String[] toCopy = this.command;@b@ if (LangUtil.isEmpty(toCopy))@b@ return new String[0];@b@@b@ String[] result = new String[toCopy.length];@b@ System.arraycopy(toCopy, 0, result, 0, result.length);@b@ return result;@b@ }@b@@b@ public final boolean completed() {@b@ return this.completed;@b@ }@b@@b@ public final boolean started() {@b@ return this.started;@b@ }@b@@b@ public final boolean userStopped() {@b@ return this.userStopped;@b@ }@b@@b@ public final Thrown getThrown()@b@ {@b@ return makeThrown(null);@b@ }@b@@b@ public final int getResult() {@b@ return this.result;@b@ }@b@@b@ protected void doCompleting(Thrown thrown, int result)@b@ {@b@ }@b@@b@ private final synchronized void stop(Throwable thrown, int result)@b@ {@b@ if (this.completed)@b@ throw new IllegalStateException("already completed");@b@ if (null != this.thrown) {@b@ throw new IllegalStateException("already set thrown: " + thrown);@b@ }@b@@b@ this.thrown = makeThrown(thrown);@b@ if (null != this.process)@b@ this.process.destroy();@b@@b@ if (null != this.inStream) {@b@ this.inStream.halt(false, true);@b@ this.inStream = null;@b@ }@b@ if (null != this.outStream) {@b@ this.outStream.halt(true, true);@b@ this.outStream = null;@b@ }@b@ if (null != this.errStream) {@b@ this.errStream.halt(true, true);@b@ this.errStream = null;@b@ }@b@ if (-2147483648 != result)@b@ this.result = result;@b@@b@ this.completed = true;@b@ doCompleting(this.thrown, result);@b@ }@b@@b@ private final synchronized Thrown makeThrown(Throwable processThrown)@b@ {@b@ if (null != this.thrown)@b@ return this.thrown;@b@@b@ return new Thrown(processThrown, this.outStream.getThrown(), this.errStream.getThrown(), this.inStream.getThrown(), null);@b@ }@b@@b@ static FileUtil.Pipe access$000(ProcessController x0)@b@ {@b@ return x0.errStream; } @b@ static FileUtil.Pipe access$100(ProcessController x0) { return x0.outStream; } @b@ static FileUtil.Pipe access$200(ProcessController x0) { return x0.inStream; } @b@ static Process access$300(ProcessController x0) { return x0.process; } @b@ static void access$400(ProcessController x0, Throwable x1, int x2) { x0.stop(x1, x2);@b@ }@b@@b@ public static class Thrown@b@ {@b@ public final Throwable fromProcess;@b@ public final Throwable fromErrPipe;@b@ public final Throwable fromOutPipe;@b@ public final Throwable fromInPipe;@b@ public final boolean thrown;@b@@b@ private Thrown(Throwable fromProcess, Throwable fromOutPipe, Throwable fromErrPipe, Throwable fromInPipe)@b@ {@b@ this.fromProcess = fromProcess;@b@ this.fromErrPipe = fromErrPipe;@b@ this.fromOutPipe = fromOutPipe;@b@ this.fromInPipe = fromInPipe;@b@ this.thrown = ((null != fromProcess) || (null != fromInPipe) || (null != fromOutPipe) || (null != fromErrPipe));@b@ }@b@@b@ public String toString() {@b@ StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();@b@ append(sb, this.fromProcess, "process");@b@ append(sb, this.fromOutPipe, " stdout");@b@ append(sb, this.fromErrPipe, " stderr");@b@ append(sb, this.fromInPipe, " stdin");@b@ if (0 == sb.length())@b@ return "Thrown (none)";@b@@b@ return sb.toString();@b@ }@b@@b@ private void append(StringBuffer sb, Throwable thrown, String label)@b@ {@b@ if (null != thrown) {@b@ sb.append("from " + label + ": ");@b@ sb.append(LangUtil.renderExceptionShort(thrown));@b@ sb.append(LangUtil.EOL);@b@ }@b@ }@b@@b@ Thrown(Throwable x0, Throwable x1, Throwable x2, Throwable x3, LangUtil.1 x4)@b@ {@b@ this(x0, x1, x2, x3);@b@ }@b@ }@b@ }@b@@b@ public static class StringChecker@b@ {@b@ static StringChecker TEST_PACKAGES = new StringChecker(new String[] { "org.aspectj.testing", "org.eclipse.jdt.internal.junit", "junit.framework.", "org.apache.tools.ant.taskdefs.optional.junit.JUnitTestRunner" });@b@ String[] infixes;@b@@b@ StringChecker(String[] infixes)@b@ {@b@ this.infixes = infixes;@b@ }@b@@b@ public boolean acceptString(String input)@b@ {@b@ int i;@b@ boolean result = false;@b@ if (!(LangUtil.isEmpty(input)))@b@ for (i = 0; (!(result)) && (i < this.infixes.length); ++i)@b@ result = -1 != input.indexOf(this.infixes[i]);@b@@b@@b@ return result;@b@ }@b@ }@b@}