基于aether-api包中定义的org.sonatype.aether.graph.Dependency依赖关系的实现原理 - 基于基础构件artifact的实现设计,将范围、包含Exclusion及不包含NO_EXCLUSIONS等依赖关系定义清楚,当然在aether-util包中包含了具体实现(org.sonatype.aether.util.graph.DefaultDependencyNode、org.sonatype.aether.util.graph、org.sonatype.aether.util.graph.FilteringDependencyVisitor/CloningDependencyVisitor、org.sonatype.aether.util.graph.DefaultDependencyNode等)
package org.sonatype.aether.graph;@b@@b@import java.util.Arrays;@b@import java.util.Collection;@b@import java.util.Collections;@b@import java.util.HashSet;@b@import org.sonatype.aether.artifact.Artifact;@b@@b@public final class Dependency@b@{@b@ private static final Exclusion[] NO_EXCLUSIONS = new Exclusion[0];@b@ private final Artifact artifact;@b@ private final String scope;@b@ private final boolean optional;@b@ private final Exclusion[] exclusions;@b@@b@ public Dependency(Artifact artifact, String scope)@b@ {@b@ this(artifact, scope, false);@b@ }@b@@b@ public Dependency(Artifact artifact, String scope, boolean optional)@b@ {@b@ this(artifact, scope, optional, NO_EXCLUSIONS);@b@ }@b@@b@ public Dependency(Artifact artifact, String scope, boolean optional, Collection<Exclusion> exclusions)@b@ {@b@ this(artifact, scope, optional, toArray(exclusions));@b@ }@b@@b@ private static Exclusion[] toArray(Collection<Exclusion> exclusions)@b@ {@b@ if ((exclusions != null) && (!(exclusions.isEmpty())))@b@ {@b@ return ((Exclusion[])exclusions.toArray(new Exclusion[exclusions.size()]));@b@ }@b@ return NO_EXCLUSIONS;@b@ }@b@@b@ private Dependency(Artifact artifact, String scope, boolean optional, Exclusion[] exclusions)@b@ {@b@ if (artifact == null)@b@ {@b@ throw new IllegalArgumentException("no artifact specified for dependency");@b@ }@b@ this.artifact = artifact;@b@ this.scope = ((scope != null) ? scope : "");@b@ this.optional = optional;@b@ this.exclusions = exclusions;@b@ }@b@@b@ public Artifact getArtifact()@b@ {@b@ return this.artifact;@b@ }@b@@b@ public Dependency setArtifact(Artifact artifact)@b@ {@b@ if (this.artifact.equals(artifact))@b@ {@b@ return this;@b@ }@b@ return new Dependency(artifact, this.scope, this.optional, this.exclusions);@b@ }@b@@b@ public String getScope()@b@ {@b@ return this.scope;@b@ }@b@@b@ public Dependency setScope(String scope)@b@ {@b@ if ((this.scope.equals(scope)) || ((scope == null) && (this.scope.length() <= 0)))@b@ {@b@ return this;@b@ }@b@ return new Dependency(this.artifact, scope, this.optional, this.exclusions);@b@ }@b@@b@ public boolean isOptional()@b@ {@b@ return this.optional;@b@ }@b@@b@ public Dependency setOptional(boolean optional)@b@ {@b@ if (this.optional == optional)@b@ {@b@ return this;@b@ }@b@ return new Dependency(this.artifact, this.scope, optional, this.exclusions);@b@ }@b@@b@ public Collection<Exclusion> getExclusions()@b@ {@b@ return Collections.unmodifiableCollection(Arrays.asList(this.exclusions));@b@ }@b@@b@ public Dependency setExclusions(Collection<Exclusion> exclusions)@b@ {@b@ if ((getExclusions().equals(exclusions)) || ((exclusions == null) && (this.exclusions.length <= 0)))@b@ {@b@ return this;@b@ }@b@ return new Dependency(this.artifact, this.scope, this.optional, exclusions);@b@ }@b@@b@ public String toString()@b@ {@b@ return String.valueOf(getArtifact()) + " (" + getScope() + ((isOptional()) ? "?" : "") + ")";@b@ }@b@@b@ public boolean equals(Object obj)@b@ {@b@ if (obj == this)@b@ {@b@ return true;@b@ }@b@ if ((obj == null) || (!(super.getClass().equals(obj.getClass()))))@b@ {@b@ return false;@b@ }@b@@b@ Dependency that = (Dependency)obj;@b@@b@ return ((this.artifact.equals(that.artifact)) && (this.scope.equals(that.scope)) && (this.optional == that.optional) && (new HashSet(Arrays.asList(this.exclusions)).equals(new HashSet(Arrays.asList(that.exclusions)))));@b@ }@b@@b@ public int hashCode()@b@ {@b@ int hash = 17;@b@ hash = hash * 31 + this.artifact.hashCode();@b@ hash = hash * 31 + this.scope.hashCode();@b@ hash = hash * 31 + ((this.optional) ? 1 : 0);@b@ hash = hash * 31 + this.exclusions.length;@b@ return hash;@b@ }@b@}
package org.sonatype.aether.graph;@b@@b@public final class Exclusion@b@{@b@ private final String groupId;@b@ private final String artifactId;@b@ private final String classifier;@b@ private final String extension;@b@@b@ public Exclusion(String groupId, String artifactId, String classifier, String extension)@b@ {@b@ this.groupId = ((groupId != null) ? groupId : "");@b@ this.artifactId = ((artifactId != null) ? artifactId : "");@b@ this.classifier = ((classifier != null) ? classifier : "");@b@ this.extension = ((extension != null) ? extension : "");@b@ }@b@@b@ public String getGroupId()@b@ {@b@ return this.groupId;@b@ }@b@@b@ public String getArtifactId()@b@ {@b@ return this.artifactId;@b@ }@b@@b@ public String getClassifier()@b@ {@b@ return this.classifier;@b@ }@b@@b@ public String getExtension()@b@ {@b@ return this.extension;@b@ }@b@@b@ public String toString()@b@ {@b@ return getGroupId() + ':' + getArtifactId() + ':' + getExtension() + ((getClassifier().length() > 0) ? ':' + getClassifier() : "");@b@ }@b@@b@ public boolean equals(Object obj)@b@ {@b@ if (obj == this)@b@ {@b@ return true;@b@ }@b@ if ((obj == null) || (!(super.getClass().equals(obj.getClass()))))@b@ {@b@ return false;@b@ }@b@@b@ Exclusion that = (Exclusion)obj;@b@@b@ return ((this.artifactId.equals(that.artifactId)) && (this.groupId.equals(that.groupId)) && (this.extension.equals(that.extension)) && (this.classifier.equals(that.classifier)));@b@ }@b@@b@ public int hashCode()@b@ {@b@ int hash = 17;@b@ hash = hash * 31 + this.artifactId.hashCode();@b@ hash = hash * 31 + this.groupId.hashCode();@b@ hash = hash * 31 + this.classifier.hashCode();@b@ hash = hash * 31 + this.extension.hashCode();@b@ return hash;@b@ }@b@}