private activity是不能由其他程序运行的Activity,是最安全的Activity。存在的风险有:第三方接口可以读取Intent以开启私有Activity。如果使用敏感信息来开启intent,需要确保访问敏感信息不被获取。
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>@b@<manifest xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android"@b@ package="org.jssec.android.activity.privateactivity" >@b@ @b@ <application@b@ android:allowBackup="false"@b@ android:icon="@drawable/ic_launcher"@b@ android:label="@string/app_name" >@b@ @b@ <!-- Private activity -->@b@ <!-- *** POINT 1 *** Do not specify taskAffinity -->@b@ <!-- *** POINT 2 *** Do not specify launchMode -->@b@ <!-- *** POINT 3 *** Explicitly set the exported attribute to false. -->@b@ @b@ <activity@b@ android:name=".PrivateActivity"@b@ android:label="@string/app_name"@b@ android:exported="false" />@b@ @b@ <!-- Public activity launched by launcher -->@b@ <activity@b@ android:name=".PrivateUserActivity"@b@ android:label="@string/app_name"@b@ android:exported="true" >@b@ <intent-filter>@b@ <action android:name="android.intent.action.MAIN" />@b@ <category android:name="android.intent.category.LAUNCHER" />@b@ </intent-filter>@b@ </activity>@b@ </application>@b@</manifest>
package org.jssec.android.activity.privateactivity;@b@@b@import android.app.Activity;@b@import android.content.Intent;@b@import android.os.Bundle;@b@import android.view.View;@b@import android.widget.Toast;@b@ @b@public class PrivateActivity extends Activity {@b@ @b@ @Override@b@ public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {@b@ super.onCreate(savedInstanceState);@b@ setContentView(R.layout.private_activity);@b@ @b@ // *** POINT 4 *** Handle the received Intent carefully and securely, even though the Intent was sent from the@b@same application.@b@ // Omitted, since this is a sample. Please refer to "3.2 Handling Input Data Carefully and Securely."@b@ String param = getIntent().getStringExtra("PARAM");@b@ Toast.makeText(this, String.format("Received param: 3.2 Handliram), Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show();@b@ }@b@ @b@ public void onReturnResultClick(View view) {@b@ @b@ // *** POINT 5 *** Sensitive information can be sent since it is sending and receiving all within the same app@b@lication.@b@ Intent intent = new Intent();@b@ intent.putExtra("RESULT", "Sensitive Info");@b@ setResult(RESULT_OK, intent);@b@ finish();@b@ } @b@}@b@ @b@敏感信息保密:@b@PrivateUserActivity.java@b@ @b@package org.jssec.android.activity.privateactivity;@b@ @b@import android.app.Activity;@b@import android.content.Intent;@b@import android.os.Bundle;@b@import android.view.View;@b@import android.widget.Toast;@b@ @b@public class PrivateUserActivity extends Activity {@b@ @b@ private static final int REQUEST_CODE = 1;@b@ @b@ @Override@b@ public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {@b@ super.onCreate(savedInstanceState);@b@ setContentView(R.layout.user_activity);@b@ }@b@ @b@ public void onUseActivityClick(View view) {@b@ // *** POINT 6 *** Do not set the FLAG_ACTIVITY_NEW_TASK flag for intents to start an activity.@b@ // *** POINT 7 *** Use the explicit Intents with the class specified to call an activity in the same application.@b@ Intent intent = new Intent(this, PrivateActivity.class);@b@ @b@ // *** POINT 8 *** Sensitive information can be sent only byputExtra() since the destination activity is in the same application.@b@ intent.putExtra("PARAM", "Sensitive Info");@b@ @b@ startActivityForResult(intent, REQUEST_CODE);@b@ }@b@ @b@ @Override@b@ public void onActivityResult(int requestCode, int resultCode, Intent data) {@b@ super.onActivityResult(requestCode, resultCode, data);@b@ if (resultCode != RESULT_OK) return;@b@ @b@ switch (requestCode) {@b@ case REQUEST_CODE:@b@ String result = data.getStringExtra("RESULT");@b@ @b@ // *** POINT 9 *** Handle the received data carefully and securely,@b@ // even though the data comes from an activity within the same application.@b@ // Omitted, since this is a sample. Please refer to "3.2 Handling Input Data Carefully and Securely."@b@ Toast.makeText(this, String.format("Received result: 2 Handling Input Data Carefully and Securel break;@b@ }@b@ }@b@}